Oscars is hidden between the dunes. It is very private and not easily seen. It is located next to the Public Parking lot named 'Zwarte Pad'. Oscars has a private parking lot.


When using navigation, we recommend to enter 'Zwarte pad' as final destination.

If you are with a large group and coming with several cars, please make sure you book a spot beforehand.

06 16 50 83 95 | Omana
07 03 52 27 42 | Oscars

Public Transportation

Tram 1 or 9 and bus 21 or 23 will bring you all to the terminus Zwarte pad.

House rules Omana and Oscars, 2021

During your stay at Oscars, please always stay respectful to the staff of Oscars and the present teachers and / or organizers of Omana.

Please wear appropriate clothing for a class / workshop. Think of clean clothes. Showers and changing rooms are available, so guests are kindly requested to change.

Food and drink brought from outside Oscars not allowed.
Drinking water is always available at Oscars, enjoy the water from the dunes of Scheveningen!

Walking around barefoot is not recommended around the restaurant or terrace and at your own risk.

It is requested to behave nicely towards the other guests who are on the Oscars premises. Therefore always stay with the group of the workshop or lesson and listen to the teacher. The teacher will know which room is reserved for the class.

Sexually oriented behavior is not tolerated at Oscars and Omana.

Any Questions?

Please send us a Whatsapp or fill in your question below.